Happy 50th Anniversary, People Working Cooperatively!
Raise a glass and help us celebrate People Working Cooperatively's 50th anniversary! For a limited time, you can purchase a commemorative bottle of New Riff bourbon for $100. This special edition includes our 50th anniversary logo etched into the bottle.
And best of all, PWC receives the profits from every bottle sold. Your purchase will help us continue to strengthen homes, families, and communities for the next 50 years and beyond. These special bourbon bottles will be for sale for a limited time only - so get yours today!
All bottles purchased must be picked up at PWC's offices in early April.
More information will be sent to purchasers in the coming weeks.
On February 14, 50 years ago, PWC officially opened its doors in a garage in Covington, Kentucky. That first year, the small staff performed 43 services for low-income families in our community. Today, we are 132 employees strong, performing nearly 7,000 services each year for low-income homeowners across the Tri-State.
We thank you - our partners, clients, funders, donors, volunteers, and friends - for all you do for this organization. With your help, we’ll continue strengthening homes, families, and communities for many years to come. Cheers!