Remember PWC in your Will
One important way for our supporters to help future generations is to leave a gift to PWC in their will. A “bequest” is simple and can be accomplished in as little as one or two sentences. These gifts provide a lasting legacy and often lessen the burden of taxes on your family.
You can leave a specific dollar amount or asset, a percentage of your estate or the residue of your estate:
Examples of simple language to include in your will:
This type of bequest states a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your estate or could also specify a unique asset to go to PWC. This could include gifts of cash, securities, or personal property to be designated to PWC.
“I bequeath (the sum of $_______) or (______% of the net value of estate) or (describe the unique asset to be gifted) to People Working Cooperatively, Tax # 31-0859104, 4612 Paddock Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45229.”
This gift ensures your loved ones and friends are provided for first and gives PWC whatever remains.
“I devise the residual of my estate, after the satisfaction of all specific bequests and payment of all taxes and other costs attending my death, to People Working Cooperatively, Tax # 31-0859104, 4612 Paddock Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45229.”
We recommend you seek the advice of your attorney and/or financial planner to make certain your bequest is compatible with your personal legacy wishes and financial goals.